The Gospel

"The gospel is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes."
Romans 1:16

The Gospel

The word ‘gospel’ is derived from the Old English ‘god’ – meaning good, and ‘spell’- meaning tidings.

It occurs in the New Testament more than 70 times and is translated from the Greek word euagellion (pronounced yooangelleeon). The related Greek verb is used in the New Testament over 50 times and is translated ‘preach’, ‘preach the gospel’, ‘bring good tidings’, ‘declare glad tidings’. The New Testament word ‘evangelist’ is a person who declares good news.

The Gospel’s importance

  • The gospel was preached by Jesus and his message was about God’s Kingdom. Matthew 4:23; 9:35; Luke 8:1; 20:1
  • It was also preached by his disciples. Luke 9:6
  • It was preached by the Apostles after Jesus’ death and resurrection. Acts 14:7, 21; 15:7
  • The gospel is God’s power to bring salvation to all that believe it. Romans 1:16
  • The person who truly believes the gospel must be baptised. Mark 16v15-16, Matthew 28:19-20
  • Those who do not believe the gospel are condemned. Mark 16:16
  • Though ‘gospel’ is a New Testament word, it has its roots in the Old Testament. The gospel was preached to Abraham as a good-news message relevant to people of all nations. Galatians 3:8; Romans 4:13-16
  • The future Kingdom of God on earth is the subject of God’s promises made to Abraham, to which all baptised believers can be heirs. Galatians 3:26-29
  • The gospel was communicated by God through his Old Testament prophets. Romans 1:1-2
  • The message given to Old Testament prophets entails the future time of blessing when Christ returns to the earth. Acts 3:19-21
  • The good news, or gospel, declared by the Apostles is that God fulfils His promises and has demonstrated this by raising Jesus from the dead, so that believers in the gospel can be saved from sin and death. Acts 13:32-39

The power to save

The gospel has the power to save us (Romans 1:16). To obtain salvation we must understand the gospel, believe it, and be obedient to its requirements. Our knowledge of the gospel cannot be complete without a proper understanding of its Old Testament foundations